Herschel Walker has begun firing people from his campaign tonight as his personal life melts down even further

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Herschel Walker’s political handlers have known from the start that he had strong name recognition and local goodwill in Georgia due to his football past, and that he was also an incoherently addled lunatic. Accordingly, they’ve used a strategy of keeping Walker away from the public eye as much as possible, in the hope his name recognition would carry him. But once the scandalous chaos from Walker’s personal life began to surface, that strategy ceased being viable.

Accordingly, Walker is now out there answering questions from reporters about the abortions he’s paid for, and let’s just say it’s not been going well for him. Now Walker appears to be scapegoating people, starting with firing his political director tonight, per CNN. This suggests that Walker is attempting to assert more control over his own campaign – which is not a good idea given how inept he is at, well, everything.

Meanwhile the news keeps getting uglier for Walker. Earlier today it was reported that after he paid a woman to have an abortion, he tried to get her to have another abortion two years later. And when she refused, he broke up with her. Now the Daily Beast is reporting that Walker’s current wife has reached out to the woman, seemingly acknowledging the legitimacy of the woman’s claims.

This all comes after Christian Walker, Herschel Walker’s adult son by yet another woman, publicly turned against his father earlier this week. The younger Walker has been silent since tweeting “Wear a condom, damn” on Wednesday, but could speak up again at any time. He’s accused Herschel Walker of being a deadbeat father all around, which should play poorly on all sides of the political aisle. This is in addition to Walker belonging to a party that wants abortion outlawed for women everywhere, even though Walker seems to be just fine with abortion in his own personal life.

At this point the Republican Party surely regrets that Trump’s candidate Herschel Walker is even in the race, and would love to replace him on the ballot if it could. But it can’t replace him, and is stuck with him as its nominee through election day. That said, in a purple state like Georgia, each candidate is going to automatically get about 45% of the vote no matter what. This could still end up being a close contest. To make sure Raphael Warnock wins, donate to him here.

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