Here’s some more good polling news for Joe Biden that the media will completely ignore

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A new poll from Morning Consult has Joe Biden ahead of Donald Trump in 2024. Another new poll from The Economist / YouGov has Biden crushing Trump with the youth vote in 2024. Hopefully a handful of folks in the media will give at least some attention to these new polls. But we already know that the vast majority of the mainstream media will give no attention to these two new polls, because they don’t fit the ratings narrative that the media has already settled on.

I think it’s important to point these things out as they happen, because we need to remember what the real problem is here. The polls obviously have their problems, and those problems seem to be getting worse with each election cycle. But the far bigger problem is that the media is willfully and intentionally dishonest about what the polls are even saying.

If the weather forecasting model says there’s a 20% chance of rain, but the weatherman thinks that’s not dramatic enough and instead goes on the air and falsely claims that the weather forecasting model says there’s a 95% chance of rain, it’s obvious where the real problem is. Before even getting into the question of whether the forecasting model is flawed, the huge gaping problem is that the weatherman is lying to you about what the model even says.

It’s exactly the same thing when the media makes a point of only reporting Biden’s worst polls, while pretending that his best polls don’t exist, in order to give audiences an intentionally fictional picture of what the polls are even saying. Questions about the accuracy of the polls are secondary to the fact that the media keeps lying to you about what the polls are even saying to begin with.

So even as the media continues to hype the narrative that Donald Trump is somehow a lock for 2024, in an effort at scaring and paralyzing you into staring at your screen all day, let’s keep in mind that this narrative is an intentionally fictional one. The media is ignoring every bit of data that doesn’t fit its preferred premise, in order to emotionally manipulate you for the sake of ratings.

In reality we’re going to have to put in the work in 2024 if we want to win. Modern presidential elections have a way of nearly always being close, no matter the circumstances. We can’t sit back and take even a small risk that Trump, or any other Republican nominee, could win. But let’s start with the fact that Joe Biden is in a solid position to win reelection, and you’d in fact much rather be our side than the other side heading into 2024. And let’s remember that nearly every narrative we’re hearing from the mainstream political media right now is fiction. One can hope that they’ll ultimately get their act together, but in the meantime we have to take the mainstream media’s political prognostications with a whole gallon of salt.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report