Donald Trump’s head just exploded

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Yes, Donald Trump is facing the prospect of two articles of impeachment being ratified in committee this week, and being approved by the full House next week. Yes, his scheme to frame the FBI for his 2016 campaign’s election crimes has just blown up in his face. Yes, he’s failed in his attempt to blackmail Ukraine into helping him rig the 2020 election. Yes, everything’s going wrong for him. But still, there has to be something else going on today.

Thus far today, Donald Trump has posted more than a hundred tweets and retweets to his account. To give you an idea of how profusely frantic Trump has been today, in the house since he viciously attacked Greta Thunberg, he’s posted another seventy-five tweets and retweets. And while his account occasionally goes bonkers like this on the weekend, in those instances it’s nearly all retweets, meaning his social media handlers are surely the ones doing it. Today, it’s clear that Trump himself is behind much or even most of the activity on this account.

This is a level of berserkness that’s over the top even for him. He generally only does this when he thinks bad news is about to drop, and he’s trying to make sure the media is too focused on his tweets to pay sufficient attention to the serious story that’s about to break. But the articles of impeachment and the DOJ Inspector General report have already dropped.

Donald Trump’s head has spent the past twelve hours exploding, and it’s got to be because he expects even more bad news to drop within the next day or two. What could be even worse than articles of impeachment, and the failure of his years-long plot to frame the FBI? You’d have to ask him. There are major court rulings coming up. But usually, Trump goes bonkers like this when the media has asked him if he wants to provide comment for a bombshell story that it’s about to publish about one of his scandals. Buckle up.

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