Greene, Gaetz, Gosar, and Gohmert go even further off the deep end

Is there something about politicians having a last name that starts with G that brings out the crazy? I hope I do not offend anyone whose last name might be Gray or Gorman or any other last name starting with G. I speak only of the members of the insurrection party.

I ask this because a group of fools are getting raked over the coals for their actions. These fools are (in no particular order): Greene, Gaetz, Gosar, and Gohmert. Whew! Pretty much a tongue-twister and incredibly difficult to repeat back quickly.

So the four G’s held a press conference which did not consist of much except agonized shrieks. These wailings were over the January 6 insurrectionists and the “cruel” conditions they were experiencing in prison.

Greene especially was stark raving mad (in more ways than one) as she angrily declared the insurrectionists were receiving particularly cruel treatment. Greene has also said that the prisoners are being forced to learn about “Critical race theory” in prison. Right.

First off, I doubt very much that many of the insurrectionists could even comprehend the learnings. But also, these remarks are just silly. They do nothing except show how few brain cells the four G’s have.

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