GOP Senator screws up and admits the truth

JD Vance is probably the worst new senator to enter the Capitol in 2023. He got his start pretending he was something of a conservative intellectual and an avowed NeverTrumper. In no time at all became one of Donald Trump’s staunchest defenders, even though he always embodied everything that he claimed to despise.

He’s a guy who’s lined his pockets working for Big Tech all while claiming to hate it. The memoir that made him a household name suggests that he got out of his humble beginnings by just working hard, when it was actually Medicare and food stamps that allowed his grandparents to survive – the same kind of social programs Vance’s party threatens to eliminate.

Despite all of his lying and hypocrisy over the last decade, however, Vance went on the Sunday talk shows and accidentally dropped a sizable truth bomb at the worst possible moment: “People see Republicans as just trying to take peoples’ rights away,” a comment referring to how mistrusted the GOP is on the issue of abortion.

I suppose you could argue that not nearly enough people see Republicans that way – when they absolutely should. They’re coming for all of your rights – and they’ll only stop when they no longer exist, and it’s exactly why they never have actual solutions for any problem. The stakes are too high to sit out this year – but at least we have clowns like Vance doing our campaigning for us. They’re coming for healthcare and social security, and they’re not stopping there unless we stop them. Let’s vote them out on Nov 5.

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