GOP Senator Mike Lee just stepped in it

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There does not seem to be an end to the bizarre behavior of Republican political candidates. Perhaps they’ve all caught the Herschel Walker disease? Mike Lee of Utah is the latest Republican to go insane. Allow me to explain.

Lee is running for reelection in Utah. And in an op-ed for the Salt Lake Tribune, he received an endorsement! “Mike Lee serves as a United States senator,” the endorsement began. How lovely! And I imagine Lee must have been pleased. It is always nice for any politician when someone major endorses them.

“He (Lee) believes elected officials are responsible for keeping the federal government within its constitutionally limited role.” Wow — this person really digs Lee, don’t you think? Not so fast. You see, there was a little problem with this endorsement, and it didn’t take long for almost everybody to notice.

“Mike Lee has earned a reputation as a principled conservative,” the enforcer continued. That’s all well and good, but this problem I referred to? It has to do with just who was endorsing Lee. Who is the endorser? The name of the endorser is — Mike Lee.

That’s right. Lee wrote an op-ed endorsing himself. You can laugh now. Perhaps Lee was jealous of all the attention Herschel Walker’s bizarre behavior was getting and wanted to grab some of that attention for himself.

“Lee serves on various committees important to Utah.”

Oh Mike, Mike — you really need to let this go.

“Senator Lee has remained committed to advocating for limited government.”

Mr. Lee, you really need to let this go and stop talking about yourself in the third person.

“Senator lee has fought for Utahns and their values.”

The person writing this Palmer Report article thinks Lee made a mistake here. The person writing this article is laughing very hard, as is Twitter.

“Is there another Mike Lee who wrote this?” one Twitter user asked.

“Did you pay yourself to write this?” asked another person.

In any event, the person writing this article hopes you had a bit of fun with this article. As for Lee, perhaps instead of endorsing himself in op-eds, he should hit the campaign trail and talk to some of his constituents.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report