Good news for the January 6th Committee

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Sometimes when one is in a position of extreme vulnerability, it’s important to have a buffer. It’s essential to have protection. A good example would be Coral Reefs. Coral Reefs are exquisite and live in the sea. And contrary to what many believe, they’re animals rather than plants.

Besides being utterly enchanting to the eye in all their captivating colors, Coral Reefs act as buffers in coastal communities against storms. They help guard against coastal erosion.

And this country also needs buffers against traitors. We rely on these buffers to protect us from enemies, both foreign and domestic. One of our most significant and courageous buffers is the January 6 committee — and they’re being recognized for their courage.

And this recognition is coming from not only Democrats but Republicans as well. Per Newsweek, over two dozen former GOP lawmakers have joined with Democrats to write a bipartisan letter.

In it, they offer compliments and admiration for both Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger for their willingness to stand up for democracy and protect the American people. This is a group called “Issue One.” Here is some of what the letter had to say.

“Even the tribalism of today’s politics should not tolerate what happened on January 6.”

“We as members of Issue One’s ReFormers Caucus — a bipartisan coalition made up of more than 200 former members of Congress, Governors, and Cabinet officials — commend Chairman Bennie Thompson for his formation and stewardship of the Committee.”

“We strongly commend the contributions of Republican members Reps. Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger.”

The letter was signed by Democrats as well as Republicans. This does show that the committee is inspiring awe. And it shows that history will remember them well. The American people need to know the circumstances of what occurred the day of January 6 AND the events leading up to the terrorist attack. The committee has cemented its place in history with its courage and protection of the rule of law.

We're going to be Trump's worst nightmare. Help Palmer Report bulk up and take the fight directly to Trump: Donate Now