Donald Trump gives up and wanders off during ceremony

In the month-plus since he lost the election, Donald Trump hasn’t even tried to keep up the appearance that he still wants the job. He’s ignored the pandemic entirely. He’s gone golfing instead of tending to the business of the nation. Despite his insistence that he somehow secretly won the election, he’s clearly given up and checked out.

Today Trump made the rare move of going through the motions of the presidency, by giving the Medal of Freedom to wrestling legend Dan Gable. But during the ceremony, Trump got bored and/or confused, and simply wandered away, leaving Gable to shrug and wonder what happened:

At this point Trump only seems interested in pretending he won, pilfering whatever money he can, and protecting his criminal pals, with no interest in doing the job. Then again, that’s pretty much what Trump did for four years before he lost.

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