German bank rats out Jared Kushner to Robert Mueller

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Donald Trump and his son-in-law Jared Kushner have both relied on Deutsche Bank in Germany for loans which can only be described as suspicious in nature. This just happens to be the same bank which was caught facilitating the laundering of billions of dollars of Russian money into the United States last year. Now, even as Special Counsel Robert Mueller digs into the finances of Trump and Kushner, it turns out Deutsche Bank is ratting out Kushner.

Even after Trump went broke one too many times, and most other banks cut him off entirely, Deutsche Bank continued giving Trump sizable loans. This was even as the bank itself was falling on hard times, and should never have been loaning out money to such a poor credit risk. Deutsche also bailed out Kushner just days before the election, floating hundreds of millions of dollars into his failing and nearly bankrupt skyscraper in Manhattan (link). But now, apparently feeling the heat, Deutsche is coughing up what it has on Kushner.

Handelsblatt Global, a leading financial publication in Germany, tweeted this today: “Deutsche Bank reported questionable transactions involving President Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner, or people or businesses near him, to German securities regulators and will forward the info to special prosecutor Robert Mueller.” (link). The news outlet hasn’t yet provided any additional details, but this alone is enough to confirm that the bank is now very clearly more interested in protecting itself from German regulators than it is in protecting Kushner or Trump. So what now?

Robert Mueller’s quickest path to proving Donald Trump guilty of an impeachable felony is obstruction of justice. But the most efficient path for proving Trump guilty of conspiring with Russia is to follow the money trail. These new banking records will help Mueller connect the dots between Trump, Kushner, and the Kremlin as they relate to the 2016 election.

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