George Santos strikes again

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House Democrats want to Censure professional liar, George Santos. And that’s a good thing. The fact is Santos has has no business being in Congress at all. Kevin McCarthy should have kicked him to the curb long ago, but his cowardice has prevented him from doing that.

But Democrats want him Censured. Dems think that a vote on this measure will put political pressure on House Republicans. As you know, Republicans recently Censured Adam Schiff for — nothing at all. This, of course, won’t stop Republicans from voting no. But it could be good to at least try.

There will be vulnerable Republican House seats in New York in 2024, and this move will put all of those vulnerable Republicans on record. As you know, New Yorkers hate Santos and are more than a little pissed that he still “represents them” — even in name only.

And Santos has been continuing his lies, his fibs, and his insolence. If the Censure wins out, it is recorded on the record of whichever congressperson is being Censured. And if Republicans vote no? This will be used against them come 2024.

We have MORE than a strong chance of taking back the House in 2024, so we should use everything we can. And Santos — whether it’s comparing himself to Rosa Parks or defiantly saying he’s never going to leave Congress has shown himself to be a pathological liar who is not worthy of serving the American people.

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