George “Anthony Devolder” Santos

George Santos can’t get a break – not that he deserves one. Clearly, this man will lie about anything, including claiming to be one of the first Covid cases after the news broke. Not only has a suit been filed against him, but an ethics complaint has been filed against him. Not surprisingly, Kevin McCarthy is standing by Santos, claiming: “The voters of his district have elected him. He is seated. He is part of the Republican conference.” Yes, voters did elect him, but it was under false pretenses. As a result, two of his Republican detractors have become vocal about their doubts in Santos.

Marc Molinaro told CNN: “There’s no way I believe he can fully fulfill his responsibilities.” Mike Lawler’s take is similar: “I think it’s clear, like I said, he has lost the confidence of people in his own community, so I think he needs to seriously consider whether or not he can actually do his job effectively and right now it’s pretty clear he can’t.” Lawler believes Santos should resign. The Nassau County Republic Party wants him out. The chairman of the party, Joseph G. Cairo, is joined by other GOP representatives Nick LaLota, Nick Langworthy, and Brandon Williams (all of New York), South Carolina representative Nancy Mace, and DC Republican Anthony D’Esposito. While people like McCarthy claim Santos was elected by his constituents, it would be interesting to hear what they have to say.

Santos is not only a professional liar, but he is a crook. Wall Street Journal (“WSJ”) reported that Santos worked and raised money for a company-Harbor City Capital-the SEC sued in 2021 as a Ponzi scheme. Santos brought in one major investment to the tune of six figures, allegedly telling them that he personally made $100 million, which was obviously not true. Hell, nothing Santos says is true, so why would this be the exception? While Santos has denied any wrongdoing, it is interesting to note that none of the $100 million he claims to have made was disclosed on his financial disclosures. This man has absolutely no shame.

In addition to bilking people out of money, Santos uses fake names. News Nation reported on a 2019 video in which Santos asked a question on camera using the name Anthony Devolder. News Nation went on to detail all Santos’s lies, including his claim that he is Jewish and Black. It is doubtful that he is either. His net worth is a huge mystery, going from virtually nothing to $11 million, and those lies are only the tip of the proverbial iceberg when you consider the lies about his education, work history, sexual orientation, and his family.

McCarthy is standing by Santos, but that’s neither here nor there because McCarthy is merely a shell of a leader. He’s only standing behind Santos because Santos voted for him every 15 times. This professional liar does not need to be making decisions that impact the citizens of this country. He needs to be run out of town on a proverbial rail.

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