Donald Trump and the gang that couldn’t shoot straight

In the latest of what has become a pattern for this administration, another Cabinet member of the President Donald J. Trump administration apparently has failed to disclose a foreign connection. The latest is CIA Director Mike Pompeo, who had a business connection with a Chinese business. When nominees complete a questionnaire for the Senate Intelligence Committee, one relevant question they must answer is:

“During the past 10 years, have you or your spouse received any compensation from, or been involved in any financial or business transactions with, a foreign government or any entity controlled by a foreign government? If so, please provide details.”

Pompeo answered “no” to that question. Turns out, Pompeo had registered a company in Kansas in 2006 that appears to be a subsidiary of Sinopec, which is majority owned by China Petrochemical Corporation, which is owned by China. This nondisclosure likely will become an issue as the Senate considers Pompeo for the role of Secretary of State. With Senator John McCain out due to illness and Senator Rand Paul voicing he is a no on the nomination, his appearance before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee could prove interesting.

Pompeo is only the latest Trump appointee to have not disclosed various financial interests or dealings with foreign nations. Of the various folks nominated or seeking security clearance, the most egregious may well be son-in-law Jared Kushner, who more than a year later continues to update and add items to his financial disclosure forms.

If this had happened sporadically, it would be understandable, as people might occasionally forget about a transaction here or there from years ago. But when it comes to the frequency of the omissions and oversights in this administration, including many foreign connections, it would appear this administration is the gang that couldn’t shoot straight when it comes to disclosing their connections.

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