Gag me with a spoon

Studies of the past are an excellent way to predict the future. History has proven to be a helpful guide when it comes to all things political. We can also sometimes use this method regarding people. For example, say you have a man who has been through an unspeakable tragedy. He’s lost children to cancer and a car accident. He’s endured loss after loss and comes out stronger and wiser.

We can then make the prediction that this man might make an excellent President and have a particular talent for empathy and understanding human suffering, which Joe Biden proves to us every day is a correct assumption.

This all being said — how long do you give him? How long? How long do you give the decrepit, senile, evil horror of a traitor to violate his own gag order? As you know, Trump has now been gagged from speaking about certain things like attacking witnesses and court officers. We know from the past that Mr. orange whiskers does not LIKE to be gagged. Bad things happen when enraged traitors get themselves gagged—bad things like the Truth Social meltdowns.

So how long do you give him? How long before he violates the gag order? The clock is ticking down, and I expect the meltdown to come soon. Already, he is verbally attacking the Judge’s daughter. He is ASKING for punishment. He is inching ever-closer to meltdown mode.

So, we KNOW Trump will do this because we know his past. Trump does not believe laws apply to him. He is a raging ball of narcissism, a poisonous cocktail of malcontent, rage, and stupidity. That’s one lethal cocktail, but the only one who will feel the poison doing its work is Donald Trump himself.

If Trump violates this gag order, I should say WHEN he does, he will face consequences. Who knows what they will be? Fines perhaps? That is something Mr. Poorhouse does not need — owing even MORE money. Jail? One can hope. Maybe even both.

It would be useless for anyone to try to get through to him because, as we all know, Trump does not listen to people because he sees everyone as being less intelligent than him.

He is his own worst enemy, and within the next week or two — or perhaps even sooner — Trump will go ahead and say SOMETHING that violates this order. He will do it because of the past, catching up with the present and making way for the future. He will do it because the orange critter simply can’t help himself.

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