Everyone piles on after “Individual-1” Donald Trump nonsensically declares that he’s been fully cleared

In the past two hours the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York has formally accused Donald Trump of directing a felony criminal conspiracy to alter the 2016 election in his favor, and Special Counsel Robert Mueller has revealed that Trump’s White House has been conspiring with Paul Manafort all along. So how did Trump take the news?

To give you an idea of just how bad of a position Donald Trump is now in, the SDNY has labeled him as “Individual-1” in the felony criminal conspiracy, and as a result, “Individual-1” is now the top trending topic on Twitter. Here’s what Trump ended up tweeting after all the news exploded: “Totally clears the President. Thank you!” Wait, what? This is Nutso McNutty, even for him. Suffice it to say that it didn’t go over well.

Respondents were quick to quip that perhaps Donald Trump is too dumb to understand that he is in fact “Individual-1” in the criminal conspiracy in question. Others have pointed out that because this legally establishes that Trump illegally cheated in the election and therefore is not legitimately the winner, perhaps he’s referring to Hillary Clinton when he says that the “President” has been cleared.

In any case, if this is all that Donald Trump has to go on tonight, then it means he’s been blindsided on such a level that he has no idea how to respond. Trump is now officially an alleged criminal in the eyes of federal prosecutors, and no amount of idiotic tweets can change that.

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