Donald Trump is frantic, unhinged, and circling the drain

On Tuesday, “President” Donald Trump was asked a question about the zero-tolerance immigration policy. Trump did not directly address the question, other than to deny he was looking to do any such thing. Trump then went on the attack, making more false claims about President Obama’s separation of migrant families. It was more “opposite day” from Donnie Delusional.

Trump went on a rant during a televised event, stating: “Obama separated the children, by the way. Just so you understand. President Obama separated the children … Those cages that were shown, I think they were very inappropriate, they were built by President Obama’s administration, not by Trump. President Obama had child separation. Take a look. The press knows it, you know it, we all know it, I’m the one that stopped it.”

Trump then turned to actually still having family separation and why it was effective, comparing not having it to Disneyland, ranting: “Now I’ll tell you something. Once you don’t have it, that’s why you see many more people coming. They’re coming like it’s a picnic. Because, let’s go to Disneyland. President Obama separated children. They had child separation. I was the one that changed it.”

Trump is frantic. Trump is unhinged. You can hear it in his voice. And rest assured, the migrants fleeing their countries are not experiencing anything close to Disneyland. We must carefully watch what Trump does, despite his denials, as reports are, he wants a tougher border stance than what now exists, and reports are that he wants separation even for legal asylum seekers.

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