Fox News host makes startling admission

Palmer Report has called out the media too many times to count. And there is a good reason for that. I have concentrated a lot on Fox non-news. I think I must have called out almost everybody ON the station.

But today marks a bit of a turn-around. For the first time, I am writing about a Fox Pundit who did good. He actually did great. That person is Neil Cavuto.

I’ve been mixed about Cavuto in the past. There can be no denying, however, that what he did this week was good news.

As you know, the Covid Vaccination remains a point of fierce push-back from Republicans. And so many have died needlessly because they did not get the jab.

Neil Cavuto knows that as well. This is why, this week, he offered a poignant plea to Fox viewers.

“My God, stop the politics,” Cavuto exclaimed. “Life is too short to be an ass. Life is way too short to be ignorant of the promise of something that is helping people worldwide,” Cavuto went on emotionally.

“Stop the deaths, stop the suffering, please get vaccinated, please.”

I must thank Cavuto. This is very rare to see on Fox. And Cavuto has even acknowledged he knows he may be attacked by MAGA for daring to say this.

There are many things that differentiate a bad or average journalist from a good one. Cavuto did good and did not let fear keep him from doing his job. Perhaps he could teach his fellow Fox pundits a thing or two.

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