Even Fox News had had enough of Donald Trump’s crap

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Heading into the election, Palmer Report predicted that after Donald Trump lost, Fox News would begin to incrementally distance itself from him. After all, Fox would need to figure out how to remain viable to its audience in a post-Trump landscape, and endless whining about the election result wasn’t going to be enough to retain most of its viewers. Sure enough, Fox kicked off this process on election night when it was the first TV network to call Arizona for Joe Biden.

Now it’s getting even more noticeable. When Trump surrogate Erin Perrine appeared on Fox News today to promote absurd phony conspiracies about how Trump secretly won the election, host Leland Vittert spent two full minutes letting her have it:

While Trump supporters were holding their “Million MAGA March” today – which only attracted a few thousand people by the look of it – Fox News decided to interview notorious conservative Trump critic Jeff Flake instead. This angered Trump’s loyalists, who lashed out at Fox for it on Twitter. But it’s clear that Fox, at least on the whole, is moving on.

This leaves the question of what Fox will do about certain hosts who seem intent on going down with the Trump conspiracy theory ship. We suspect Judge Jeanine will be canceled once Trump is out of office. Lou Dobbs seems to be on his last legs over on Fox Business Channel. The bigger question mark for Fox News is Sean Hannity, who gets fairly high ratings, but whose conspiracy drivel is clearly not going to be compatible with the post-Trump landscape.

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