Fox News guest has on air meltdown

I’m unsure how even to present this story. I do not know whether to break into hysterical laughter because if you don’t laugh, you cry. And here we have a story that could have been taken from a parody website. It could have been taken from a comedian or a joke book because it is a very bad joke.

It has to do with Fox non-news, of course. Was there any doubt? In the past few tears, Fox non-news and its odious non-journalists have attempted to 1984 their viewers to almost unheard of degrees.

They have challenged the authenticity of the Covid virus. They have questioned the intelligence of our President. They have lied and sent dog-whistles to their merry little groups of Nazi-like friends who claim to love America while cheerfully rooting for its enemies.

So it really should not be any surprise that a Fox host is now challenging — Charles Darwin. I am not making this up. Lara Logan, a noted racist, and piece of garbage went nuts on national television as she railed against Darwinism.

“Does anyone know who employed Darwin?’ the lunatic shrieked. Then she suggested — of course — that the Jews paid off Darwin. “Look it up. The Rothschilds.”

This is the lady who once compared Dr. Fauci to horrific Nazi Doctor Josef Mengele. And this lady of evil has a long history of blatant racism. This really happened, my friends. I wish it had not. I can’t believe the endless depths these people will go to. It is simply mind-boggling.

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