Fox News gets slammed by former Fox News host

Chris Wallace is speaking out. The former Fox News Anchor had left the network for CNN to be part of their new streaming service, CNN+.

There was much mystery surrounding the departure of Wallace, which seemed to come out of nowhere. But as Wallace explains, this was not a decision he made lightly.

“I just no longer felt comfortable with the programming at Fox,” said Wallace.

“I’m fine with opinion,” he went on. “But when people start to question the truth — Who won the 2020 election? Was Jan. 6 an insurrection? – I found that unsustainable.”

I am sure there are those of you who might be thinking: “that’s not good enough.” After all, Wallace worked there for many years. But I am proud of these comments. I am glad Wallace decided to speak out.

And one reason I feel this way is because Wallace is very much respected among the middle — and those Republicans who have not lost their minds.

Wallace is known to be a fair and objective journalist — as his father was. He is not a “Tucker” or Ingraham” type, although I’ve no doubt those two – and others like them — are whom he was referring to.

Wallace made these comments in an interview with The New York Times.

Wallace also said that in his opinion, Fox had changed.

“I think Fox has changed over the course of the last year and a half.”

“But I can certainly understand where somebody would say, Gee, you were a slow learner, Chris.”

I’m glad Wallace left the deadly sinkhole known as Fox. I’m glad he’s speaking out. I hope to see other journalists follow, although Fox does not have too many of THOSE left.

Wallace followed his conscience. Is that not what many of the top leaders in psychology and spirituality advise?

Wallace followed his conscience and is out of the sinkhole, and perhaps he will find peace. Would that others would follow his example.

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