“Four more years!”

I want to tell you about a moment of greatness that occurred on Monday morning. The light of good and the horror of darkness. Good against evil. Never was that contrast more clear than Monday morning. Let’s look at a study in contrasts — the light of wisdom and goodness versus the hatred of wanna-be tyranny.
Donald Trump does not like protesters. We know that. Had it been up to him, I’m sure lots of peaceful protesters would have been jailed for daring to protest against Trump. Remember how Trump treated protesters on the day of his infamous walk to the Episcopal church? He handled them with tear gas and shoves.
Trump HATES protesters because he hates anyone who dares to disagree with him. Now let’s look at someone ELSE — our President, Joe Biden. On Monday morning, President Biden gave an address at Mother Emanuel Church. That’s the place in South Carolina where a crazed gunman killed nine people in 2015.
It was a good speech — a VERY good speech that turned into a moment — a moment of greatness. As the President spoke, some noise could be heard in the background. That noise began to rise in tone and tenor. It turns out these were protesters. There were only a few, but they’d come to protest President Biden and demand he call for a cease-fire in Palestine: “cease-fire now!”
I watched this play out. I watched the protesters, who were clearly peaceful but obviously extremely passionate about this issue. What would Donald Trump have done with this protester? “Get ’em out of here”. That’s my guess as to what he would have done.
Perhaps he’d have had security remove them. But one thing is certain. Trump would have paid little attention to them. Such was not the case with Biden. Biden stopped talking. He did NOT throw the protesters out. On the contrary, he honored them, letting them speak. And then he said these words: “I understand your passion.”
Bada Bing! This is what differentiates Biden from others. THIS is why he is such a remarkable president: he cares. “I understand their passion,” Biden said calmly. “And I’ve been quietly working with the Israeli Government to get them to reduce and significantly get out of Gaza.”
The crowd went wild. Out of the cheers and clapping, three words floated up: “Four more years.” The chants of four more years drowned out virtually everything. The gorgeous stained glass windows framing the President in their light, appeared to glisten even brighter.
“Four more years.” One person in the church shouted out to Biden: “You are an understanding man,” they called out. “You’re a good man.” But you see, THIS is how a REAL leader acts. This is what defines President Biden. This is why he will get four more years.