Flipping the script

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All too often, Republicans like to complain about the economy whenever a Democrat is president, while talking up the ones that a Republican president tends to inherit. They’ve also had the backing of the media boasting about the economy of Republican administrations while setting much higher expectations for the economy whenever a Democrat occupies the White House. Unfortunately, there’s not an ounce of truth to the GOP being better for the economy, and even before Donald Trump entered politics, they embraced policies that alienated small business owners and consumers.

It’s long past time to flip the script – but fortunately, the Democrats have any number of talking points to make the economy a subject that Republicans lose on every time they bring it up. For a long time, we’ve had a period of recovery with record job numbers and unemployment staying under 4% for over two years (something that hasn’t happened since the 1960s.)

Now, we’ve got an even more significant number when it comes to talking about the Biden economy: The U.S. economy is the strongest nation in the G7: growing at twice the rate of its peers, with growth expected to surpass the 2.5% it grew last year. America is back – driving global growth – and this is why we need to reelect President Biden on Nov 5.

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