The stakes are high in 2024! Palmer Report has sharply reduced the number of ads to make our content more easily accessible, and we're now a reader supported site. Help Palmer Report succeed by donating $5 or more!

Picture, if you will, a gigantic glittering carousel. This carousel is magnificent. It sparkles with laughter as it whirls and spins. The mood is joyous, and the atmosphere festive. It’s like a whirling dervish, this shimmering work of art. And as it turns, one can feel the wonder. And now I quote Poet Jacques Brel, creator of this carousel, once again: “A wheel within a wheel. The stars begin to reel … the whole world madly turning.”

Sounds wonderful this timeless carousel. And it is. But what happens when the wrong people jump onboard? What happens when the carousel spins out of control? “The whole word madly turning.” We see it all over. This golden country — our country — is still being terrorized. The GOP is excellent at not taking responsibility for just about anything.

Our world is on a tilt-a-whirl. It’s upside down right now as terrorist apologists and power-hungry cowards do their best to see it stays that way. We cannot and must not let them win. Now — this brings me to the Virginia Governor’s race.

I know I have written many times about it. But there are power in numbers — and articles. We have but hours left. And the media is not helping. The media has hopped aboard the carousel for all the wrong reasons. “Glenn Youngkin will win,” say some of these pundits.

Indeed, many act as though he already has won. Today is Monday. We have today. And then comes election day. For the following two days, can you make the election your primary pinned tweet? Can you speak about it on Facebook — sorry — Meta! Can you do as much phone banking as humanly possible?

The GOP is engaged in lying to try to win this election. And for some, the lies go down as easily as cotton candy. It’s a mad carnival of dishonesty and, if successful, will have the effect of boosting the chances of the GOP in 2022. We do not want that.

Let’s keep the imposters off of our carousel. These last few days must be treated as importantly as the 2020 election. We must and will prevail. Let’s all climb aboard and ride this carousel into victory.

The stakes are high in 2024! Palmer Report has sharply reduced the number of ads to make our content more easily accessible, and we're now a reader supported site. Help Palmer Report succeed by donating $5 or more!