Federal Judge calls Supreme Court to the carpet

Rules and regulations are in place for a reason. That reason is, without them — there would be anarchy. And everybody has specific rules they do not like. But that is just the way things are. And there can be no denying that almost everybody has run up against the rules — at some point in their lives.

Except for a few people. That’s right. There are a few people in this country who have — no rules they have to live by. It doesn’t seem quite fair, does it now? So who are these lawless individuals living as though the country is an old western movie? That would be the Supreme Court.

That’s right. There are no rules for this small group. These people can live free, unrestrained by the norms of society that the rest of the country must live by. And it isn’t right. Living with no rules is dangerous. And with several members of the highest court in the land having primitive caveman mentalities, it is clear that we need some rules.

That is what Reggie B. Walton thinks as well. Who is Walton? He is a federal judge appointed by former President George W Bush. And he is calling for an ethics code for the court.

Walton said that when judges — any judges — “aren’t held accountable, it does affect the respect for the judiciary.” I agree. I am afraid that’s not right. We do need a code of ethics for the Supreme Court, and more and more people — not just liberals — are speaking out about that.

We do not live in “Lord of the flies”; we live in America. EVERYBODY faces some scrutiny. Everybody that is except the Supreme Court. And this is yet another reason we must win in November. To fix the broken and failed Supreme Court Justice system once and for all.

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