Something has gone very wrong with Donald Trump’s face

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The orange hue of Donald Trump’s face has always been so conspicuous, his critics have taken to calling him Orange Hitler, and he’s gone so far as to repeatedly blame energy efficient bulbs for it. The surreal part has always been the white rings around his eyes. We’ve always just assumed that he uses some kind of cheap and ineffective spray tan-like product. But today, something went bizarrely wrong, even by Trump’s standards.

White House photographer William Moon, who runs a Twitter account called White House Photos, posted this alarming photo of Donald Trump this evening:

Wait, what? This photograph can’t be real, can it? Apparently it is; Vox and other publications have vouched for the authenticity of the account. Hours after posting the photo, by which time the photo had gone viral, Moon added this explanation: “Today, @realDonaldTrump was dancing with the sunset and strong winds when he walked to the Oval Office from the Marine One on the South Lawn.”

Here’s the thing. The color of Donald Trump’s face is not a meaningful issue. This guy is doing real harm to the country; who cares if he’s also a weirdo who paints his face orange? But this new photo suggests that Trump is falling to pieces. He’s not able to keep up his own physical appearance, and his remaining babysitters aren’t getting it done either. If he’s this far gone when it comes to this kind of thing… it’s just disconcerting.

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