Everything is falling apart for House Republicans right now

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House Republicans have been desperate of late to manufacture a phony Biden scandal so they could use it to counter the DOJ indictment of Donald Trump that they knew was coming. Suffice it to say that they failed in that regard. When Republicans make up phony scandals about the Democrats, it only has any impact if the mainstream media runs with it (Fox News doesn’t count). And no serious media outlets have any interest in their latest whacked out conspiracy theories about Biden. But it’s so much worse for them than that.

The Supreme Court ruled on Thursday that racially charged gerrymandering is unconstitutional, meaning that several southern states will now have to draw more fair congressional maps. This will end up costing some House Republicans their seats. As of now they’re all sitting around waiting to find out which of their current Republican-heavy districts get completely redrawn into majority-Black districts.

And at a time when House Republicans needs strong leadership more than ever, they have less leadership than ever. The insurrectionist House Republicans, who are still bitter that “Speaker” Kevin McCarthy caved to Biden on the budget standoff, have spent the week humiliating McCarthy by refusing to allow any of his votes to even come to the floor.

So we’ve got House Republicans trying to figure out what to say about Donald Trump getting indicted for espionage, utterly failing in their goal of manufacturing a phony Biden scandal, and rebelling against their own leader, even as they nervously wait to find out which of them are falling through a redistricting trap door in 2024. It’s been a very bad week to be a House Republican. It may get even worse for them going forward.

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