Everyone piles on after Marco Rubio steps in it

Humiliation. What would humiliation look like if it had a human form? I say it would look like Marco Rubio. Rubio (non-Senator, insurrection party, Florida) appears to have (for now) taken the place of Ted Cruz as the one with regular occurrences of egg on their face.

And most of the time, the eggs are rotten. And he’s done it again! Marco Rubio, already a bit bruised in his flailing reelection campaign, has utterly humiliated himself again. Since the Mar-a-Lago raid, Rubio has attempted to look and act cool. This takes quite a bit of effort, as one can imagine, because if there is ANYBODY who isn’t cool in any way, it is Marco Rubio.

So what’s he done now? Well — he attempted to show his scintillating intelligence by commenting that the FBI only went to Mar-a-Lago as a ruse. And they did so after finding an “Obama Judge” to sign off on it. The Judge in question is a federal magistrate Judge appointed by none other than Donald Trump.

Gosh, but this man (Rubio) is dumb. It is sort of like Rubio WANTS to lose his race. Well, maybe he does. Many have reported he originally didn’t even want to run in the first place. So there is that. Twitter erupted into happy ripples of laughter, and faster than one could say, “Marco Polo,” the tweeters were on it:

“You’re a disgrace, Rubio.”


“Rubio is the worst.”

“There’s gotta be a bible verse for that.”


Vote Val Demings!”

“Worried, little Marco?”

As you can see, Rubio is not having an easy time of it. Maybe if he’d shut up, get off Twitter and do his job, things might get better for him. But that would require intelligence, of which Rubio appears to be in short supply.

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