Everyone piles on after George Santos goes off the deep end

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Professional liar and Botox connoisseur George Santos is trying his hardest to come off like a normal human being. Santos, who likely will NOT be a Congressman for very much longer, hit up Twitter to talk about what a giving and thankful person he is.

Now – I have never posted a full George Santos quote before. But this one is so hilarious, it does merit our attention. Note: any misspellings are his, not mine. I wrote it out exactly as he did.

“During the holidays, I get emotional.”

“I miss my family being together around the dinner table to celebrate the festivities with our loved ones.”

“As we get older, we break off and start our own tradition, leading us in separate directions.”

“This year, I’ve decided I want to give back and go serve the less fortunate and show them there is still love in the world.”

Excuse me while I dab my eyes, wiping away the tears that spring up at such a lovely message.
Just kidding. Naturally, this message did not go over all that well. This is because George Santos has never given ANYBODY anything except tall tales.

Were I George Santos (and thank goodness I’m not) and wanted to make people happy and thankful, I’d: Issue an apology for being a low-down, dirty, lying psycho. That would be a first step.

Give Back all the money in campaign contributions that came his way when people believed he was a REAL human being. Resign. Leave Capitol Hill and never come back. All those things would go a long way and leave many people very thankful.

Of course, Santos won’t DO any of that, but it doesn’t matter. Twitter is having a field day with this message and, as you can guess, is coming out with some excellent and snarky responses.

“What a nice sentiment from the man who invented Thanksgiving and Christmas.”

“The spelling makes my teeth ache.”

“He can’t form one sentence.”

“Give back the money you stole.”

“Where’s the baby, George?”


“Please go away.”

“It’s “break.”

“Lying, cheating thief.”

“Does giving money to Onlyfan models count as giving back?”

“You can always cook meals in the prison kitchen.”

“You need help.”

As you can see, George Santos is having a terrible day on Twitter. Perhaps he should stay away from social media for a while.

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