Even the New York Post is telling Donald Trump it’s over

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New York City, most of its residents, and most of its news outlets, have always hated Donald Trump with a passion. New Yorkers know him best, and they know he’s worthless. But the New York Post, a conservative tabloid run by Fox News boss Rupert Murdoch, has long been the city’s pro-Trump exception.

Not anymore, apparently, as the New York Post just released its cover story for tomorrow morning’s print edition, and the headline says “Mr. President, stop the insanity.” The subheader adds “You lost the election – here’s how to save your legacy.”

The accompanying NY Post article urges Donald Trump to distance himself from lawyer Sidney Powell, which it describes as a “crazy person,” and Michael Flynn, whose actions the newspaper describes as “treason.” This sentence in particular hits hard: “Democrats will try to write you off as a one-term aberration and, frankly, you’re helping them do it.”

We’re not giving the New York Post any credit for belatedly telling Trump to give up and go home, after having spent the past several years dishonestly trying to prop up his murderous crime spree. But when even his allies at the Post are telling Trump that it’s over and he’s embarrassing himself, it sends a clear signal that Trump really is toast.

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