Eric Trump just stepped in it

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On a day where a judge ruled that Eric Trump must testify to the New York Attorney General before election day about his father’s crimes, Eric’s mind seemed to be elsewhere. He gleefully announced on Twitter that he’d caught Joe Biden secretly using a teleprompter during a Q&A session, only to be quickly shot down for it.

After Eric Trump posted his idiotic and false tweet, Telemundo responded to him and explained the real story: “Noticias Telemundo has never allowed someone who is being interviewed on its news programs to read answers from a teleprompter which would be a clear violation of its editorial policies and standards.”

Maybe Eric Trump should spend less time tweeting false conspiracy theories on Twitter, and more time on his upcoming deposition. After all, if he slips up, he could help incriminate his father during his testimony. For that matter, if Eric gets caught committing perjury, he’ll be going to prison alongside his dad.

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