End of the line

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All the signs of an upcoming indictment are here. Isn’t it exciting? Everyone, it seems, is talking about the 40 subpoenas the Department of Justice sent top Trump aides last week. People want to know what it means — and what will happen next.

My thoughts are that it means an indictment of Trump is imminent. Look, we all see the signs. The DOJ has all but screamed, “we’re going to indict.” Interestingly, criminal Steve Bannon made a mention of this, but many did not believe him, including me. This is not surprising. Bannon is the boy who cried wolf. He lies about everything, so why in the world would anybody have chosen to believe him now?

In addition to the subpoenas, the DOJ also seized several phones. The Justice Department has declined to comment. But this news obviously means they’re getting ever that much closer to Trump.

And people are getting very excited. I cannot even tell you how many excited tweets were sent out from people patiently (or in some cases not so patiently) waiting for the expected perp walk. The excitement is palpable. This does not mean Trump will be indicted before the midterms, but it is definitely another sign that the DOJ is very far along in its investigation.

People are also excitedly speculating on who may have flipped. Mark Meadows is the name that comes up the most, but it could be someone else or quite possibly more than one person. We simply do not know yet.

And as for Trump? He surely knows the clock is ticking. He must know his days of being “unindicted” are coming to a terrifying end. Soon he will move from unindicted” to “indicted.” There isn’t any way out for Donald Trump, and hopefully, this will all play out sooner rather than later.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report