Don’t take the bait on this one

While the current news cycle seems to be engaged in a constant barrage of all the awful things Donald Trump will do if he retakes the presidency, it’s fairly easy to lose sight of everything we have now and just rattle off a list of reasons for why we can’t afford a second Trump term.

This is a classic conditioning trick, in which right-wingers are hoping that we’ll begin our arguments with: “I know Democrats aren’t perfect but…” or “Both sides are bad, but Trump…” Avoid doing this at all costs – and don’t be afraid to call it out among other Democrats where you see it. “Both sides” is generally the last resort that Republicans use to rationalize just about all the terrible stuff they get away with or turn a blind eye to.

Our message should be that we’ve got a damn good administration in the White House – and probably the only one that should be calling the shots at a time like this. This week, the Biden administration saw the successful negotiation and release of 91 hostages since last Friday, a total of 97 altogether, while the truce between Israel and Gaza was extended for a seventh day just minutes before it was set to expire – almost double what the initial agreement was.

A whole lot of activists are claiming credit for it, but the fact is that this is entirely due to the hard work of President Biden and his foreign policy experts, and the decision has also been crucial in getting aid to the region. We need careful and competent leadership – and that’s why we need to re-elect President Biden in 2024.

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