Donald Trump’s weekend from hell

Saturday happens to be my favorite day of the week. Many people are enjoying their weekends as temperatures become warmer and soft breezes sing of upcoming, more pleasant meteorological conditions.

However, some people are not enjoying this sweet and pleasurable time. Some people are stinking furious. “I DID NOTHING WRONG!”

Ah, yes, of course, I am referring to DONALD TRUMP. Donald is NOT having a good weekend. Perhaps he is worried about being thrown in the clink on Tuesday at his hearing about whether he violated his gag order: (1,2,3,4,5,6,7 times.)

Bright and early on Saturday, Trump was awake and awash in all caps as he had a meltdown to end all meltdowns as he raged, rambled, and screeched. “THIS SCAM RUSHED TRIAL.”

Rushed? This must be about the fact that a Jury has been seated. Trump no doubt thought it would take far longer than it has. “MOST CONFLICTED JUDGE IN JUDICIAL. HISTORY.”

Wow. It seems Scrooge is in a terrible mood this weekend. “I DID NOTHING WRONG.” So said many a serial killer. “PLANNED AND COORDINATED WITCH HUNT.”

New York doesn’t do Witch Hunts, Donnie. That’d be Samuel Alito.


WINNING Joe Biden.


That isn’t happening, Mr. Yellow-bellied. and you know it.

This is the part I adore most. It’s Trump screaming into the wind, essentially. I’m not sure though just who he expects to hear him. In the meantime, Trump is being mocked, laughed at, called a loser, and called Sleepy Don by millions. This trial has been worth waiting for, don’t you agree?

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