Donald Trump’s Truth Social meltdown today about Mark Meadows isn’t real

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After it was reported today that Mark Meadows had cut an immunity deal with the DOJ as part of his grand jury testimony against Donald Trump, someone on Twitter created a fake “Truth Social” post in which Trump viciously (and illiterately) attacked Meadows. That fake post quickly went viral on Twitter, as people retweeted it because they thought it was real.

This fake “Trump Truth Social” post certainly read like something Donald Trump would have written. It even took advantage of his famous inability to spell the word “stolen.” In fact so many people were fooled by this post and began piling on with their own commentary, the misspelled word “stollen” even began trending on Twitter.

But again, this post wasn’t real. Someone created it from scratch and circulated. This actually happens quite often, with fake “Trump Truth Social” posts going viral on Twitter for hours at a time before anyone realizes they’re fake. And there’s no reason for this to have to happen. All anyone has to do is go to Trump’s page on to see whether or not he actually made the post that he’s purported to have made.

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