Donald Trump’s strike three

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The minds of babies are like delicately planted seeds. They start tiny, then begin to grow as time goes on, and they become increasingly knowledgeable until they finally reach the point where they can fully bloom. However, that isn’t true of ALL babies. Some of these little ones’ brains remain in the toddler state. They never grow, experience knowledge, or learn how to think critically. It just doesn’t happen for them.

Donald John Trump is one such person. Trump has never understood the art of impulse control. Likewise, stupidity has been and is his middle name. Trump is, without a doubt, the dumbest President we have ever had the misfortune to be stuck with, and even today, he continues to exhibit the same lack of intelligence in everything he does.

Take his hush money trial. Trump, apparently furious once again, posted angry scrawls on Truth social demanding that the court give his legal team unlimited Jury strikes.

“I thought STRIKES were supposed to be unlimited,” he wrote.

“10, not nearly enough.”


Well now. Such a lot to unpack. First and foremost, it’s crucial to note that Trump has never attended law school. Yet, even a primary school student could inform him that the concept of unlimited jury strikes does not exist.

Perhaps such a notion is prevalent in a dictatorship, but unfortunately for Trump, that’s not the case in America. So yes, this post shows us that Donald Trump is an idiot, of course, but it also gives away something else.

It shows Trump is afraid of the Jury. They’re in his head. I don’t blame him. He likely expected a jury to be impaneled slowly. So it is not a shock to see Trump panic stricken, desperately clinging to his distorted hopes and dreams. Does he think he’s going to get unlimited Jury strikes?

Perhaps he truly believes that. Throughout his life, this privileged individual has been accustomed to getting his way. And few have ever dared to tell him no. He epitomizes the very concept I introduced at the start of this article: a person whose intellectual growth ceased long ago, a babbling child trapped in an adult’s body.

Trump’s inability to respond as a mature individual stems from his perpetual residence in a time machine, forever stuck in the toddler stage, a grown man with a mind that refuses to acknowledge the truth as it pertains to him and his bitter reality.

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