Donald Trump’s senility is getting worse by the hour

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Donald Trump barely has a sane word to say these days. The media seems, for the most part, reluctant to bring up the fact that Trump seems to be losing his mind. I very rarely ever hear it mentioned at all except of course from Palmer Report.

Let’s look at all the things Donald Trump has said and done in the last few weeks and months:

He thought Jeb Bush was president.

He thought Barack Obama was President and that he, Trump, ran against him.

He may think Barack Obama is president right now.

He doesn’t seem to know a little thing called World War II happened.

He’s obsessed with cannibalism and sharks.

He’s slurring his words. Half the time, he sounds drunk.

He’s not running anything resembling a campaign.

He accused Forbes of being an agent of China.

He thinks Hannibal Lecter is a real person.

At this point, one has got to wonder what’s going to be said next. The fact is that it’s Donald Trump, not President Biden, who is the senile one. I’d like to see the media actually mention this once in a while. I mean, we don’t know what’s gonna come out of Trump‘s mouth next. Perhaps tomorrow he’ll say he ran against Jimmy Carter.

Perhaps he will say that one actor that really loves him is the Oscar-winning Kaiser Soze. Perhaps he will announce a great white shark as his VP. Or maybe he’ll say his name is David Dennison, not Donald Trump. You just never do know. Anything’s possible where trump is concerned.The sooner people start admitting the truth about him, the better.

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