Donald Trump’s paranoia is spiraling out of control

The thing about paranoia is that it is often an equal opportunity emotion. What I mean by that is that for deeply paranoid people, the source of their rage and their paranoia is not usually ONE person. That might be why this week, many people in Iowa received big surprises in their mailboxes: “Stop the fraud!”

What some Iowans found is that their mail was stuffed full of warnings about fraud in the Iowa caucus. But why? Whoever could be trying to cheat in the Iowa caucus? Whoever were the mailers from? They were from the Donald Trump campaign.

These seemingly innocent-looking mailers Iowans found in their mailboxes were warning about voter fraud — but not from Democrats.

Nope, the object of Trump’s ire is Ron DeSantis. A few weeks ago, Ron’s wife Casey had asked supporters from all over to come to Iowa. Now, Casey was not necessarily talking about doing anything nefarious. People from other states are welcome to bring surrogates and supporters. Iowa has a long tradition of doing that.

But as NBC said, Trump’s campaign “didn’t stop to appreciate the nuance.” Nope. Instead, these insane mailers went after DeSantis, warning Iowans of his nefarious plans. I say all this with amusement. I am amused because, boy, oh boy, did Republicans think it wouldn’t happen to them AS well?

Trump will never, ever, not in a million years, accept the results of ANY race that he doesn’t win. If Trump loses the Iowa primary, he will blame it on someone cheating. That is his MO:

“Stop the fraud.”

“Reject DeSantis on January 15th.”

Not exactly subtle, is it? Even more amusing is that DeSantis, likely terrified of Turmp’s base of slimy critters, will likely not even defend himself. If he does support himself, you can bet he will not bring up Trump’s rampant paranoia, which swirls in him like an Iowa blizzard itself, never melting, never leaving him for a minute.

Who will win the Iowa caucus? I have no idea, but one thing is for certain. If it is NOT Donald Trump, expect him to accuse the winner of cheating. Perhaps he’ll even demand a new caucus.

This will ALSO happen in ANY state Trump does not win. The Republicans have quite a task ahead of them, trying to keep the monster that their Frankenstein selves created calm and peaceful. That is a task I don’t see them winning.

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