Donald Trump’s own handlers concede that there’s nothing left of his brain

Did you know that a police officer once stopped an assignation plot on President John F. Kennedy? It happened long ago in Palm Beach, Florida. And we can’t forget the scandal of Bernie Madoff, who was well acquainted with Palm Beach.

Palm Beach is where the rich come to play, and the scorching heat is a backdrop for bad behavior that the rest of the country can only marvel at. Palm Beach, Florida has seen its share of bizarre happenings, to be sure. There are even books that have been written specifically about such Palm Beach scandals.

Palm Beach is like the benevolent grandparent watching as wayward grandchildren continually bring in scandals, gossip, and infamy. So yes, the folks of Palm Beach are used to their scandals and familiar with the whispers that follow them. But Donald Trump might be a bit too much, even for the Palm Beach crowd.

On Tuesday, a private event occurred within Palm Beach’s walls. This event was at the Four Seasons, a wealthy hotel where the top one percent are known to congregate. On Tuesday, Trump’s campaign operatives were there. So were many of Trump’s would-be donors.

It’s being reported that top republican advisor Susan Wiles told these donors that the Trump campaign has little control over Donald Trump, that he is going to say and do what he likes and that they have no way of stopping him.

Then donors were told “not to take his rage-filled invectives seriously.” This is really something. One knows it’s terrible when one’s own campaign operatives laugh at you and tell your donors not to take you seriously.

That’s how shockingly bad it’s gotten for Donald Trump. His OWN PEOPLE — members of his OWN STAFF — are not taking him seriously. Reportedly, behind the walls of this glamorous hotel , staff said the words , the lethal words, words that Trump HATES more than just about anything, the words that turn him into nonentity.

“Ignore him.” Just ignore the crazy one. IGNORE HIM! What an utter humiliation. But it does give something away. It shows that Donald Trump is so utterly far gone, that his own campaign people don’t even look upon him as a serious human. That has GOT to sting.

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