Donald Trump’s “mind is not there anymore”

Hi, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Donald Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.

“Donald Trump is not just crazy, he actually is senile too.” These words of wisdom come from analyst Elise Jordan on the Morning Joe show, where, like in many other political halls, rooms and nooks., Donald Trump’s senility is the topic of much interested discussion.

Scarborough and his panel were talking about how Trump is becoming crazier and more senile with each passing nanosecond. Joe also remarked that Trump has two women “pounding him politically,” and he is not striking back as aggressively as he would have in the past. Those two women are E. Jean Carroll and Nikki Haley. “He’s losing it.”

That phrase — “he’s losing it” — was said so many times I lost count. It seems the perfect phrase to describe the orange bat, and the people on that panel used it frequently.

Al Sharpton came up with an interesting analogy. He mentioned how, in his younger days, he was acquainted with Muhammad Ali. Sharpton suggested that Trump’s brain issues are making it impossible for him to fight back on the senile narrative.

Of course, Trump has tried, but the major problem is whatever Trump says seems to make him look MORE senile, not less.

Sharpton summed it up perfectly, saying: “he can’t get there; his mind is not there anymore. They need to take him out of the ring before he gets knocked out.”

That knock-out punch may happen soon. As I said in another article, the SPEED of Trump’s down-slide has surprised even me. My friends, I did an exciting thing before I sat down to write this article.

I typed “mental health” + “presidential race” and here are some article titles that rose to the top:

“Trump has declined mentally, Haley says.”

“Haley says Trump’s mental decline is a fact.”

“Donald Trump’s mental fitness comes into question.”

“Mental acuity questions catch up with Trump.”

Isn’t it nice to see the media doing their job?

In any event, this story has more legs than an African millipede. It’s walking into millions of peoples’ streams of consciousness, and unless or until Trump can stop giving fodder for all things brain fog, this story will remain as fresh as ever and the gift that keeps on giving.

Hi, it's Bill Palmer. I'm as sick of Donald Trump as you are. I'm expanding Palmer Report's operations so we can lead the fight against him. Click here to donate $25 or $50.