Donald Trump’s Memorial Day from Hell

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Happy Memorial Day, Palmer Report readers. Happy Memorial Day to all. It is lovely when the country observes holidays, and who can think of a better one to observe than Memorial Day? Donald Trump can. Seriously, readers and friends, have you picked up where this is going yet?

Donald Trump, the original sourpuss, does not seem to like holidays. We know this because every time a holiday comes along, he goes nuts and posts an angry and unhinged statement. This Monday was no different.

One just can’t take the crazy out of orange monsters. Donald Trump cheerily called for a happy Memorial Day — to all the: “human Scum that is working so hard to destroy our country.” That’s a happy, man, right there, can’t you tell?

Scum — “extraneous matter or impurities risen to or formed on the surface of a liquid, often as a foul filmy covering.”

“A low vile or worthless person or group of people.”

“The earliest known use of the Noun scum is in the Middle English period. (1150-1500.)”

Oh, but that was not all. Trump also posted an image of himself, seemingly saluting at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. We know that Donald Trump hates our military. We also know that Trump calls anyone with intelligence “scum.”

Ah, but it’s the day before — day before court! Our little traitor is likely scared, which is maybe why he decided to hide in plain sight on Truth Social. I would like to exercise my right to respond to the orange one and give him my very own Memorial Day message on this day, the day before all hell REALLY breaks through in Donald Trump’s life.

Hello, Donnie. Memorial Day is “a federal holiday for honoring and remembering the U.S. military personnel who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces.” We know you’re stressed, Donnie. However, you need to know that Memorial Day isn’t all about you.

You see, on this day, we honor those who are your direct OPPOSITE. We honor the courageous. Not the cowardly. We honor the strong, not the weak. We honor America, not those who hate her.

We honor heroism, not shrinking in fear. We honor the givers to America, not those who try to steal from her. We honor the fallen, the falling stars who, with grace, dignity, and courage, put others, including their country before themselves, fighting for America, loving her, honoring and paying tribute to her.

We do not honor those who despise America, who hate her, dishonoring her, and never once paying tribute to her. Prison — “a building in which people are legally held as a punishment for a crime they have committed.”

It is fitting that the jury will decide your fate on the week of Memorial Day. People such as you, Donnie, do not know anything about human kindness, mightiness, and suffering. You, Donald, are a bloated, collapsing bigot, thief, insurrectionist, and failure. How lovely to see you get what you so richly deserve.

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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report