Donald Trump’s lost liberties

Personal liberties and freedom are never to be taken for granted. We have ours because of history and the bold and beautiful people who fought for these rights. Donald Trump may be on his way to losing them — and it’s all because he took freedoms and liberty for granted.
Trump’s attack on Thanksgiving day through truth social shocked a lot of people. He once again went after the judge in his fraud case and his law clerk. Apparently, even for Trump, this behavior astonished many, and some people are predicting Trump is coming dangerously close to losing his liberties.
One of those people is David Jolly. Jolly is a former Republican representative and a frequent guest on MSNBC. He spoke to Alicia Menendez and said it feels like Trump is getting very close to being jailed. “This was an unhinged screed against prosecutors and judges,” he said. “We continue to step closer and closer to Donald Trump possibly losing his own liberty.”
Interesting and true words. Trump is acting unhinged even by his own wacky standards. He appears not to care anymore — or else he’s so outraged he cannot control himself. BOTH of these hypotheses can be true.
Liberty is like a bird; it flies high but can swoop down on one when they least expect it. Personal liberty is not GUARANTEED. When one breaks the law and violates the terms of their freedom, that person must deal with the consequences.
For a former president (even one as macabre as Trump) the Judges must give him every opportunity to tone it down. These Judges know what they’re doing; I’ve never doubted them. But when Trump is eventually jailed, it will be because of his own carelessness, his taking his freedoms for granted. And I predict it will be like his indictments.
What I mean by that is — what happened with his indictment will happen here. One Judge will go first. After that, it will be like a dam has broken. Just like with his indictments, we could see several judges ordering Trump’s ass thrown in prison.
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