Donald Trump’s latest press conference has been bounced from CNN entirely [updated]

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When Donald Trump began his pre-scheduled press conference today, MSNBC host Chuck Todd spent the first few minutes talking over Trump, explaining that the network would cut away and fact check him if necessary, before the network putting Trump on the air.

But CNN simply decided not to air the press conference at all. Several minutes into it, CNN is still showing an interview between Wolf Blitzer and Dr. Gupta. Good for CNN. We’ll see if they keep the entirety of this harmfully inaccurate Trump debacle off the air, or if they end up airing the later portions. But it’s a hopeful sign that CNN is thus far refusing to air it.

Update, 6:07pm: CNN is now unfortunately airing the Trump press briefing live, after having refused to air the first twenty minutes or so. It was good while it lasted.

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