Donald Trump’s latest lawyer just can’t help himself

Thugs will be thugs. There is a popular line of thought in the world that water always seeks its own level. I happen to agree with that. In the case of Donald Trump, that is most definitely accurate.

Trump has had a difficult time retaining lawyers. That’s probably because he’s as lousy a client as one can get. He never listens, rarely does what his attorneys advise, and constantly gets into arguments with people. There is no doubt he’s a nightmare client for ANY attorney. Except for perhaps one.

Joe Tacopina, one of Trump’s current lawyers, is showing himself to be just like Trump. If you’re unfortunate enough to have seen his antics on television, you likely already know this. Tacopina is a bulldog who is in the news as much for his own snarly behavior as for anything else. He once tried to lunge at an MSNBC host to grab a piece of evidence. Tacopina is definitely a lawyer after Trump’s own heart.

Tacopina is representing Trump in the E. Jean Carroll litigation. But he’s already making a spectacle of himself. This is because Tacopina won’t stop trying to find out the names of the jurors. The judge in this case, had ruled all their names would remain secret. This decision is because of Trump’s habit of verbally attacking people, including jurors. This judge wants to ensure the jurors are safe from individual one’s’ disgraceful attacks

Only Tacopina will not stop trying to get their names. Tacopina sent a letter to the judge in this case, whining about how he has the right to be fully involved in the jury selection process and to be in the room as it happens.

Tacopina’s letter has been getting lots of ridicule as it is pretty obvious he wants access to the names of the jurors, which he isn’t likely to get.

And Tacopina can blame his own client for that. Donald Trump does not consider the rights of ANYONE besides himself, and he would likely lash out at some of the jurors through truth social. This is not what trials are for, but being that Trump is a baby who goes crazy when he doesn’t get his way, none of this is surprising.

What IS surprising is Tacopina’s openness to losing his reputation all in the name of Trump. Yet another person appears to have been infected by “the Trump disease.” It happens to all who cross his path, and Tacopina should know better.

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