Donald Trump’s insane courtroom meltdown today is just the beginning

The voice was soft, barely a whisper. “Wake up, Mr. Trump.” This exchange has yet to happen but hopefully, it will soon. This is the exchange of a snoozing Donald Trump in a cell being woken to start his prison chores. All inmates have prison chores. It will not be any different for Donald Trump. But something in Trump DID wake up – that thing is his insanity.

I wonder — I do wonder if his senility is what spurred him on to his horrible decision to make a statement in his Fraud trial. Trump has been ACHING to speak in the courtroom where his fraud case is taking place. He got the chance to, and what do YOU think happened?

“Political witch hunt.” Oh no, you might be thinking. He didn’t, not in the middle of the courtroom, not with all those LAWYERS there, not in front of the Judge. He DIDN’T. He couldn’t have. He did. “They owe ME damages for what they’ve done.”

I must stop here to admit something. I found it almost impossible to keep a straight face when I first heard this delightful news that Donald John Trump had gone ballistic in court.

“We’re a very innocent company!!!”

“They have no witnesses.”

“It’s a disgrace.”

“Control your client!” That’s the Judge who had the thankless task of having to listen to this twisted, senile bag of orange floppiness who, in the spirit of many insane and senile psychopaths before him, became more and more unhinged as his five-minute speech went on.

Prosecutors incredibly did not object. Legal pundits said that was likely because the opportunity to see Trump melt down in such an unhinged way was too good to pass up. I wouldn’t have objected either. Social media, of course, was delighted. Being the comedians that they are, they had so very much to say about his royal moron:

“An old man in a trailer park.”

“Karma has his number.”

“Insanity meets senility.”

“He’s the prosecutor’s best witness!”

“Platypus mouth.”

Trump is the gift that keeps on giving.

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