Donald Trump’s facade just crumbled right in front of us

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Even as Donald Trump has increasingly come off as confused and senile in his public appearances, his social media posts have become more fierce and aggressive and voluminous than ever. It’s become fairly obvious that Trump’s handlers are writing a number of these posts for him, in an attempt at covering up how badly he’s fading. As more people have begun pointing this out, Trump’s handlers have begun using this weird new tactic where they have Trump stand in front of a camera and read these social media posts off a card, and then they post the video on social media to “prove” that it’s really coming from Trump.

These Trump social media video clips often come off as hostage videos. Trump doesn’t seem to know what’s going on, comes across as completely lifeless, and simply reads whatever message into the camera he’s being told to read. Now things have devolved even further.

Maybe it’s because it’s the holidays, or maybe it’s just a sign of how badly he’s slipping, but in Trump’s latest hostage video of a social media clip, he’s not even wearing any makeup. The reveal itself isn’t a big deal. This isn’t like seeing the band KISS without their makeup for the first time. Trump without makeup just looks… sort of dull.

But what stands out here is that Donald Trump, who has insisted upon slathering himself in some kind of orange bronzer product during every public appearance throughout his very public life, has apparently given up on that. His handlers told him to film this video clip while he wasn’t wearing his makeup, and so he did. This kind of submissiveness and pliability can be a sign of worsening dementia. It’s worth watching where this goes. It’s not simply about Trump’s appearance change. It’s about Trump being too far gone to know or care – and what that might lead to next.

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