Donald Trump’s downward spiral is accelerating

“I won!” That’s the frantic scream from Truth Social as the traitor in the middle of yet another insane meltdown speaks his non-truth to the (piddling) number of people listening. Donald Trump has started up again with the insane ramblings. However, I want to discuss Trump and why his meltdowns should please us.
The more Trump spirals, the better it is for us. It is this way because it shows us Trump is in prison — the prison of his mind.
Trump may be physically free — living in Mar-a-Lago or New Jersey or Truth Social — but his freedom is long over. You see, Trump is locked in his gilded cage, and he’s never getting out again.
His cage might be luxurious, but it is a cage nonetheless. It is a place of mostly silence, not including the paid sycophants who make it a career to pretend to like him. But don’t you see it? Can’t you hear it in his lonely cries? Trump’s prison is existential. It is a gilded cage, but a cage nonetheless.
Few care about him. Nobody respects him. And all laugh at him. Nobody would hear from the monster if it were not for Truth Social. He is banned from mainstream platforms because he’s demonstrated he doesn’t know how to use them correctly.
An infant has more skill and maturity than he does. Friendless, powerless, and hopeless, this is how he spends his DAYS. Can you imagine? Think about it. Think of the rage locked inside him. Donald Trump spends his days attacking people. He is obsessing about a race long over. The election ended well over a year ago! It’s OVER.
But his mind achingly goes in a “skip” pattern, over and over that day. He likely fantasizes about hearing the media call the race for him.
While others laugh, love, smile and hug, Donald Trump holds no one. He wails about an event the world has moved on from. His mind is lost in that 2020 moment when he became an official loser.
And people have eyes on him. He has no privacy. He isn’t talked about with respect. And every meltdown he has is reported on — derisively. So don’t worry about prison for Trump. The physical incarnation will appear in due time. But the gilded prison has long since arrived, encircles him and covers him, as he screams his useless garbage into the night.
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