Donald Trump’s darkest fantasy

From the first moment he came down that escalator, all of us knew Donald Trump was no good. It’s been quite a crazy time we’ve all had since that stinking traitor entered our lives. He’d love it if he could stay. Unfortunately for Trump, the bells are starting to ring — the prison bells.

As we creep ever closer to that delicious time when Trump is whisked away in handcuffs, Trump is reaching out with desperation, unable now to keep ANY thought to himself. That might be why Donald Trump has just admitted the truth — that he’d SALIVATE to be dictator for life.

It happened in Iowa. Trump finally let his worst angels out to play — and revealed all. He said he’d like to be in office for four years — “AND BEYOND.”

“We have much to say about it for four years and BEYOND.” Nobody should be surprised by this, yet some people are acting surprised. We aren’t. As prison comes more clearly into focus, Donald, of course, feels more desperate. His addled brain and declining mental health sure aren’t helping. All of this puts pressure on the traitor, who can no longer keep his mouth shut about ANYTHING.

However — there is nothing to fear from Donald Trump. He is a fly soon to be swatted away into incarceration. There is nothing to fear, and I’ll tell you why. The glowing moon, swirling stars, and golden sun above are certainties in life. They’re not going anywhere. Neither is Trump’s daydream.

Trump is in full daydream mode, wanting perhaps to look out at the stars and the moon and try to convince himself he owns them too. It is but a daydream — Trump’s daydream, his yearning fantasy of being powerful instead of powerless.

The daydream can’t happen because of people like Jack Smith. It can’t happen because of people like you. It can’t happen because of news organizations like Palmer Report. The beautiful thing about writing for Palmer Report is knowing that we can bring you the facts as they are and do our part to change the world and make it better.

We at Palmer Report are like ever-watchful cats, carefully keeping guard over facts, from morning to deep into the night, sleeping with one eye open, and springing up from our nocturnal slumbers as soon as we see something new, something that warrants our attention, something that YOU need to know about.

Donald Trump is dreaming when he is on stage and holding a rally. He daydreams, saying his most vivid fantasies out loud, ruminating on things that can never be. Donald Trump always wanted to be a dictator. He wanted it like a child demanding the last piece of candy.

He didn’t get it. So, being the child he is, he went on a many-year temper tantrum that is now losing steam as he realizes the ending of the too-long daydream, the end of what he’s craved for so very long.

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