Donald Trump’s criminal trial is down to the nitty gritty now

Donald Trump’s criminal trial is about to get underway again. But the witnesses are done. Both sides have rested. Now we’re at the part where the judge determines precisely what to tell the jury about how the law applies to what they’ve heard, and how the law applies to the charges. It’s up to them to decide if Trump is guilty; the judge’s instructions are more like, well, an instruction manual. It sounds boring. But jury instructions are crucial.

One of the jurors needs Friday off, and Monday is a holiday. So the trial won’t be back in session until Tuesday. That’s when we’ll see closing arguments from both sides. Then the case is expected to go to the jury by next Thursday. If they all immediately agree that Trump is guilty on all counts, then they can return that verdict as swiftly as they want. So yes, we could be looking at a thirty-four count Trump felony conviction as soon as a week from today.

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