Donald Trump’s complaint about the “freezing” courtroom just took a surreal turn

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Throughout his trial, Donald Trump has continually insisted that the courtroom is freezing. At times he’s seemed more agitated about being too cold than about the fact that he’s on criminal trial (which further raises the question of whether Trump even understands what’s going on in the courtroom). But now things have taken a turn.

Even as Trump was making the paranoid delusional false claim today that the Biden administration tried to have him killed, Trump still went out of his way to complain about the freezing courtroom in the same breath (that’s right, he cares as much about being too cold as he does about the government supposedly trying to kill him).

But Law360 responded to Trump’s meltdown by posting photos of the courtroom hallway thermostat, revealing that the courtroom is not cold at all. For instance today the temperature ranged between 74 and 79 degrees, which almost no one would consider to be an “icebox.” If anything it shows that the judge has indeed made good on his promise to Trump to try to warm up the courtroom. A bit too warm, if anything.

Yet Trump continues to feel freezing inside a courtroom that’s as hot as 79 degrees. That’s not normal. There’s medical research out there which suggests that dementia patients often feel cold when it’s not cold because the disease has damaged their brain’s autoregulation system. So this counts as yet another instance of Trump’s behavior being consistent with that of worsening dementia.

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