Donald Trump’s black swan event

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I want to discuss Donald Trump and his “black swan event.” There is increasing chatter about the black swan event. I’ve heard it on cable news. I’ve seen people on social media speaking about it.

A black swan event is an “unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences.” These black swan events are characterized by their “extreme rarity and severe impact.”

The great depression and the 2008 financial crisis are considered a good examples of black swan events. Many say the ramifications of the Covid virus is as well. And MANY say the Trump investigation into his possible espionage is a black swan event.

I agree that it is. It meets all the criteria. Think about it. Who would ever have guessed we’d have a former President investigated for espionage? This is very serious, and it is not doing the GOP any good to deny this seriousness. This is the black swan event that may just define the Republican party.

I think it’s safe to say that the GOP is in disaster mode. They want to turn things around. They will never be able to do that as long as they support Donald Trump. An indictment is looking increasingly likely. Now we have the Judge approving the DOJ redactions in the Mar-a-Lago affidavit.

Loss after loss after loss has plagued the GOP. It is unending for them, but they do not get it. They can’t see it. Republicans have gone too far in their extremism, and they’re being punished. But this is a tiny grain of sand compared to the sandstorm that awaits them.

They do not see the black swan right in front of them. And as long as they continue in their denial, they will continue to lose races, continue to lose their dignity, and honor as their sad swan song plays mournfully around them.

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