Donald Trump’s biggest fear is coming back to haunt him

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I want to discuss that image of President Biden tied up that Trump posted on his social media, and the whole media is losing its mind over it. Yes, it was vulgar, but as Bill Palmer has explained, it will not likely get Trump arrested. It is simply an image, not an immediate threat.

If Trump had perhaps written something like, ” I’m going to punch out President Biden and I’m going in the next hour,” I am sure that would have earned him a little visit from the FBI.

The thing is, it is tough to put someone in prison for posting an image. And you should be told the truth. Trump will not be thrown in jail for this, just as he was not to for past images like the baseball bat. It just will not happen. But everyone is missing the BIGGER picture in this story. And that is — Trump’s fear.

You DO NOT post an image like that without feeling fear. You DO NOT post an image like that if you think you’re winning. You do NOT post an image like that if you feel you have control over your political messaging and campaign.

Trump is scared. He is terrified of losing to Biden AGAIN and having his worst fear come true. This fear — Trump’s worst and biggest – is NOT prison. Oh, prison is up there, but there is one thing that scares him even more, one thought that makes the man tremble in his stinky boots.

Trump’s fear is a smiling (and taunting) archer standing by smugly with bow and arrow in hand, ready to aim this fear at Trump’s frightened little soul. This fear is losing. This fear is BEING CALLED A LOSER. Yes, that is Trump’s biggest fear, bigger even than jail.

He can’t help it. In his mottled brain, he MUST be a winner AT ALL THINGS. He can never accept the label of a loser. It horrifies him.

That is what so many are missing in this story. Trump feels he’s losing. So, being demented and hateful and scared and senile, he is lashing out as the one feeling the icicles of fear ALWAYS lashes out.

But Trump is indeed delusional if he thinks this will be the only time he loses. Biden WILL beat Trump in November, and judging his actions, Trump knows this.

But Trump will ALSO lose his upcoming trials. Again and again, he will lose. After ALL those years of getting away with things, it’s like Karma took a slow but steady walk around him and spat in his face.

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